Volunteer Opportunities
There are many ways you can participate with Crossroads Care Center. You can devote your time or resources, there is some way everyone can be involved. Listed below are ways you can get involved or we encourage you to contact us for more information.
Church Liaison: Represent CCC at your church by making regular contact with church administration about our activities and taking local ownership of baby bottle drives, disseminating information, encouraging your church and their groups to get involved, as well as awareness about Crossroads services available to them.
Clerical: General office skills such as filing, assisting with staff correspondence, copying, collating, and assembling packages of information.
Advocate: Does one-on-one crisis intervention and on-going support. Responsible for keeping accurate client and office records and making follow-up phone calls with each client. Crossroads staff provides required initial training. A commitment of one day per week and attendance at regularly scheduled seminars and in-service meetings will also be mandatory.
Fundraising: Serves CCC fundraising activities by participating in any of a variety of tasks, i.e. committee chairman, data entry, registration tables, prize/sponsor acquisition, phone calling, photography, clowns, food, etc.
Mail Team: Prepare newsletters, monthly correspondence, Christmas cards, etc. for mailing.
Nurses: Support services for pregnancy counseling and ultrasounds.
Prayer Ministry: Provides prayer support for specific and general needs of CCC ministries, clients, staff and volunteers. Members meet once a month onsite, but those who cannot come receive email prayer requests and updates.
Photographer/Videographer/Audio: Take videos and pictures at events or of client testimonies. Put together video clips and pictures for fundraiser events. Create clips for social media posts.
Speaker’s Bureau: Teens and adults to give presentations to groups on CCC services and topics, such as abortion, adoption, sexual risk avoidance, post-abortion stress, sanctity of life, and fetal development.
Social Media Assistance: Writing blog posts, tweets and other posts for social media. Searching the social media world for posts to link to.
*If you have other skills or services that you would like to donate please contact us.